The MevApp!
The first of its kind!
Get notified instantly when a new issue is released, find your nearest pickup location by using our interactive map, access all past issues in our archive system, and send in letters to the editor, contest entries and classified ads straight from your phone!
Don't have access to the Play Store?
Click here to get detailed instructions on how to manually install the MevApp on your phone.
Download the MevApp to explore all its great features!
Instant Notifications
View the latest edition of the Mevaser before it hits the stores! Enable push notifications on the app and get notified as soon as a new edition is released!
Current Issue & Archives
No need to wrack your brains to remember where you put that old clipping. View the current issue as well as all past issues from the Mevaser directly on the app.
Now it is easier than ever to send in a letter to the editor, a contest entry or a classifieds ad. Just use the appropriate form on the app and let us handle the rest!